Orders within the United States are shipped Priority Mail unless other arrangements are made.
The cost of Priority Mail is $3.40(Rates Subject to change by USPS) for up to 2 lbs
shipped anywhere within the United States.
Heavier orders will cost more depending on the weight of and destination of the package.
Most orders ship within 48 hours of the order placement and take 2-3 days to deliver.
International Orders
We will ship anywhere in the world.
Most shipping to foreign countries will take special handling and will take longer to receive.
International customers may order by email.
International Shipping: All international orders are shipped US Airmail unless other arrangements are made.
Surface mail is very inexpensive, but may take 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Cost of the shipping is determined by the weight of the package. There is no additional handling charge.
Payment Information
Payment is by credit card when it is available.
If a customer does not have a credit card, payment may be made by Cashiers Cheque or Traveller's Cheques.
It is the policy of Displays For Schools, LLC that products will not be shipped until payment is received
(unless ordered by credit card or through church, school, or business purchase orders).
Email orders may be sent by filling out this form.
We will need your credit card number with expiration date,
the address you would like the books shipped to,
your telephone number, and any special instructions (airmail, gift wrap, etc.).
Email orders are helpful when placing large orders for multiple items.
Enter the quantity of the item or items you would like to purchase in the column on the left.
Then fill out the contact information below and we will be calling you to confirm your order.
[TAB] between Entries
To order these items
by US Mail
We accept Check, Money Order, Visa, Master Card, or American Express